Ocean V2
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The purpose of Ocean V2 is to bring you the best auto-compounding KRILL LP Pools. We currently utilize the best Quickswap KRILL pools and provide higher APY with yield aggregation. Our Ocean V2 currently contains 2 auto-compounded optimized KRILL LP pools. https://polywhale.finance/oceanV2
❗️ Ocean V2 mechanisms: 🍀 95% of LP rewards you earn in Ocean V2 is auto-compounded for you. 🔥 5% of the LP rewards you earn in Ocean V2 is used to buy burn KRILL. 🍀 0% deposit and withdrawal fees. 👩🌾 Additional rewards earned in KRILL need to be harvested manually.
Next protocol to be added to Ocean V2 is SushiSwap.
We have created 2 brand new auto-compounding KRILL LP pools from Quickswap. You can find these new pools in our Ocean V2.
Quickswap is currently the biggest DEX on Polygon. They have a variety of pools you can stake in that reward you with Quick-tokens. We have built on top of these pools, created auto-compounding iterations with higher APY. These new pools introduce external Quick-token rewards to our ecosystem. These 2 pools below have been added to Ocean V2:
❗️Current rewards when you stake in these pools: 🌍 QUICK token rewards. 95% of your Quick-rewards are used to market buy the LP you are staking. The pool auto-compounds and restakes the new market-bought LP tokens for you. Your LP holding will continually grow. The remaining 5% is used to market-buy and burn KRILL. 🐋 KRILL token rewards. In addition to the auto-compounded LP rewards, you also receive KRILL rewards. These KRILL rewards need to be harvested manually, and be staked in the Krill pool in Tanks.
This is the Official Polywhale Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeF_OrYljVwD8ENq4E5RpaA A new Youtube video showing how to stake in Ocean V2 is coming soon.
🔐 How to add the Matic Mainnet to Metamask: 📹 https://youtu.be/QURdoyCM9lY
💰 How to bridge / send funds from Ethereum Mainnet to Matic Mainnet: 📹 https://youtu.be/UKjMqLDBwdw 📤 How to bridge / send funds from Binance Smart Chain to Ethereum Mainnet: 📹 https://youtu.be/F_G7rEtUWRM
🐳 How to buy and stake KRILL: 📹 https://youtu.be/33FIxQ4B49E
🍀 How to buy and stake KRILL LP tokens: 📹 https://youtu.be/sieiPorZurg 🛠 How our Yield Aggregator works: 📹 https://youtu.be/WmQ1ozq1N1Q 🔑 How to create a Metamask wallet: 📹 https://youtu.be/QURdoyCM9lY